Benford Bulletin – March 2024

Our latest monthly news drop. Please do go to our website for back editions, other news and information on our products and applications –

A better cure with Benford UV lamps

We have a growing business manufacturing conventional UV lamps to any specification, regardless of who supplied your curing system. With increased demand for our quality product we are making further investments, including additional hires and training.We would appreciate your support with new requests for quotations. For these new requirements please contact us using the link or e-mail

You can see a short YouTube Video on some of the lamp making process by clicking on the images below.

Benford UV specialists manufacturing UV curing lamps
Benford UV specialists manufacturing UV curing lamps
Benford UV - UV curing lamps made in the UK
Benford UV specialists manufacturing UV curing lamps

DRUPA 2024

We would love to see you at DRUPA 2024, where the industry will come together in Dusseldorf, from 28 May to 7 June. The event is one of the world’s largest gatherings for the print industry, with the previous 2016 edition attracting over 260,000 visitors and 1823 exhibitors from 189 countries. Look out for the Benford branded LondonTaxi on site, and please do call on our team on Stand 13C50 in Hall 13.

Benford UV are at Drupa 2024 in Dusseldorf, Germany

Benford Customers Fun Facts

Some fun facts that help illustrate our versatility, reliability and capability.

We have customers in 18 countries across 5 continents, with our curing systems being fitted to presses from 19 different manufacturers. The USA is our largest market by far with about two thirds of our customers, but we are always looking for new customers with new challenges in places we haven’t been before. We have 18 customers with more than one of our systems on multiple presses, and two of our customers have 5 different curing systems installed on different presses. One of our Komori customers has an 8 lamp system on each of 2 presses made up of  2 EOP conventional UV, 1 EOP LED UV,  4  ID  conventional UV and 1 ID LED UV. Heidelberg and Komori just about  share top spot for presses we have installed on, closely followed by KBA and RMGT. We also have a  wide variety of web press installs on a number of different manufacturers.

Remember that consulting with us is easy and free and can help you get the best solution for your operation. For more information on our applications go to or e-mail for a quote.